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Foreigners who long for learning Korean from all over the world rush to Korea Last October... My primary concern is marketing, education, especially E-learning, instructional design and...
유철선생 영어학습 블로그 (blog.naver.com/ycwhn)
korean-language 3. SV for RTL design https://training.synopsys.com/learn/course/135/language-systemverilog-for-rtl-design 4. SV Assertion https://training.synopsys.com/learn/course/137/sva-for-formal-verification e...
심규현의 블로그 (blog.naver.com/khshimto)
E-portfolio Name: Wong Yi Hao Student ID: 0348989 Module: LIN60904 Korean 1 Part 1: Study plan As both a curious student and a multilingual polyglot, the practice of learning and eventually acquiring a brand new...
yhwong-02 (blog.naver.com/yhwong-02)
66million mobile phone 사용 인구 10million / 100,000mobile phone access 5million game user in Thai / Most of the oline games are still korean game. E-learning strategy 1) Internet coverage : 접근 가능 할수 있도록 인프라...
Dream Chaser! (blog.naver.com/askala)
If you're interested in class, please send me a message or e-mail. 이메일 ****.*******@*****.*** ' ' ' #고급한국어 #전화한국어 #한국어온라인수업 #화상한국어 #한국어어학원 #한국어수업...
대전 한국어 선생님 (blog.naver.com/corekorean)
정보통신산업진흥원에서는 이러닝 산업의 현황을 파악하고, 이러닝 수요자와 공급자에 관한 신뢰성 있는 통계자료를 구축하고 정보를 제공하기 위해 이러닝산업 실태조사 보고서를 발간하고 있습니다....
정보통신산업진흥원 (blog.naver.com/with_nipa)
초중고등학교 DDL 수업 적용 사례를 모아 놓은 책인데 E-book으로 살려고 해도 좀 비싸서 고민만... Data-driven learning (DDL) approach: Is it applicable to Korean EFL classrooms?. Foreign Languages Education, 20(3), 45-86....
I'm rooted but I flow (blog.naver.com/notonlybutalso0930pm)
IT 관련 이러닝 한국어 녹음 710분 진행 완료 (Korean voice over for 710 minutes on IT e-learning) 와우~ 이 프로젝트 완료를 위해 성우님과 엔지니어, 리뷰어 모두 참 고생 많이 했습니다만...
Design for Sound, D4SOUND (blog.naver.com/d4spd)
of learning English. For instance, in the past we used to rely on textbooks and teachers’ instruction in classrooms, but now, we have more options to choose from, including e-learning...
제리아이엘츠 (blog.naver.com/jerryielts)
of learning Korean resources For the rest... if you run/know about a page you think deserves a link on my page, send me an e-mail at roboseyo at gmail, or put a link in the comment. To...
Roboseyo (https://roboseyo.blogspot.com/)
If you have any questions about Korean education, please feel free to contact me.
Inquiry time(KR) 09:00 ~ 18:00
We are closed on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays.

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What is the purpose of learning Korean?