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ilovekorean(Korean language learning platform)
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[세부ESL e-Learning Center] 디베이트 그룹 클래스 체험수업 이벤트 (50분 2주 5만원)
가능 - 체험수업비용 : 하루 50분 수업, 5만원 (2주 총9회) - 신청 카톡ID : cebuesl Young Lerarers 오늘의 주제 : Are Aliens Real? Junior Learners 오늘의 주제 : Is Korean a Good Place to Live? 그외 다양한 주제로 진행됩니다~
카페명: 에듀트래블가유::필리핀가족연수한달살...
다문화가정 e-배움 캠페인 /Multi-Cultural Family e-Learning Campaign
kr// - 찾아 오시는 길 "Multi-Cultural Family e-Learning Campaign" The number of multi-cultural families... The first phase will be computer education, and Korean language and Korean culture courses, the second phase...
카페명: 다문화 역사학교 History School for ...
한국어 과외 / 외국인을 위한 한국어 / 온라인-오프라인 한국어 수업 / Korean tutor
Then, let's have fun time with learning Korean! (Short-term course and Offline course is available. so... 이메일or연락처: *******@*****.*** plz contact me via e-mail :D 10. 기타사항: 現) YTN, SBS...
카페명: 과외구하기 ★ 과외레슨구인구직(과외...
딱딱한 문법 한국어 No! 자연스러운 한국어 Yes! 영어로도 수업 가능합니다 :D (korean tutoring for forei...
Then, let's have fun time with learning Korean! (Short-term course and Online course is available. so... 이메일or연락처: *******@*****.*** plz contact me via e-mail :D 10. 기타사항: 現) YTN, SBS...
카페명: 과외구하기 ★ 과외레슨구인구직(과외...
RoR to solve a Korean social issue
the Korean people,results in prices that are an unfair burden to our people. There are already e-learning technologies that facilitate rich online learning -- LMS + web conferencing + web casting....
카페명: Fun Ruby
한국어 배우고 싶은 친구들 보세요 ;) Anyone who needs Korean Tutor
Anyone who needs Korean Tutor Have fun time with learning Korean! 1. 과외과목: 한국어(외국인... via e-mail, I will respond as soon as possible :D I'm looking forward to seeing awesome students ;)...
카페명: 과외구하기 ★ 과외레슨구인구직(과외...
외국인을 위한 한국어 과외합니다^^ Korean language lessons
Someone who need Korean Tutor Have fun at learning Korean! 1. 과외과목: 한국어(외국인 대상... 이메일or연락처: *******@*****.*** / (feel free to contact via e-mail, I will respond as soon as...
카페명: 과외구하기 ★ 과외레슨구인구직(과외...
평택과외 평택수학과외 평택영어과외 고등학생 중학생 초등학생 전문 과외
and animation considering and realize 평택중등수학과외 two Korean. activities, e-learning overcome In education Especially, the the Therefore, learning in experimental genuine 고등학생 to...
카페명: 과외구하기 ★ 과외레슨구인구직(과외...
여행왔지만 짬짬이 공부 중이에요
was Korean. First some lessons I was way behind the lecture because I was just a toddler who started to murmur in Spanish. I was disappointed to myself not learning fast enough to follow the lesson but...
카페명: 미국교사 Teach America
[Novotech Korea] Clinical Trainer, CRA, PM, SSU 등 다수의 포지션 채용합니다.
in e-learning software is an asset •English language proficiency is a must (Sr.) Client Operations... spoken Korean & English • Strong attention to details, ability to meet deadlines and manage time...
카페명: 제약회사에 대한 모든것! / 제약바이오...
If you have any questions about Korean education, please feel free to contact me.
Inquiry time(KR) 09:00 ~ 18:00
We are closed on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays.

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What is the purpose of learning Korean?