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네이버 전문자료 (12,810건) NAVER OpenAPI

A Study on Chinese KFL Lear ner s’ Per ception and Anxiety Analysis of TOPIK Speaking Test 본 연구는 TOPIK 말하기 시험에
Learning Chinese vocabulary using nonexclusive and common coined word units in the beginner/intermediate TOPIK vocabulary of Chinese ch
Text Linguistic Apporoach to Human Writing and ChatGPT’s Writing: Focusing on TOPIK Writing Question 54 Based on Text linguistic appr
A Study on Grammar Question Types of Test of Proficiency in Korean (TOPIK) : Focused on TOPIK 본고는 한국어능력시험의 문법
Language, Education : A Comparative Study of New HSK and Entry-Level of TOPIK Written in Sino-Korean in the same form and morpheme of v
A Study on TOPIK Speaking Practice using Metaverse - Focusing KFL Learners - 본고는 KFL 학습자 요구 및 TOPIK 말하기 시험
Critical Consideration of EPS-TOPIK Functions and their Effects 이 글은 EPS-TOPIK이 가지고 있는 평가 본연의 기능이 제
Critical Consideration of EPS-TOPIK Functions and their Effects 이 글은 EPS-TOPIK이 가지고 있는 평가 본연의 기능이 제
Developing Korean Language Textbooks for Self-study Abroad : on the Basis of Standard Korean for EPS-TOPIK This study investigates into
Current Status and Future Tasks of TOPIK in Hungary - An Analysis of Features of Applicants in Hungary - 이 논문은 헝가리에서
If you have any questions about Korean education, please feel free to contact me.
Inquiry time(KR) 09:00 ~ 18:00
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What is the purpose of learning Korean?