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The Uhaha Korean Beef Market is located along the route from Seoul into the Gangwon region, traditionally attracting a great volume of human and commercial traffic. It has been nicknamed...
Cheonan Three-Way Intersection has been known for weeping willows. Pussy willow is belonged to the shrub while Korean king willow is belonged to the arbor. Salix, which is a gen
It was restored by players from the north, during the Korean War, and it was selected as the 61st major intangible cultural property in 1978. Currently, it has a teaching hall in the...
The main ingredients in Korean food include grains, vegetables, fruits, meats, seafoods, seaweeds, and condiments. The descriptions below introduce their unique uses in Korean cooking....
9Enjoy Korean Culture · 이 단원에서는 우리나라의 문화에 대한 글과 단어를 배웁니다· 아울러 음식을 권하는 표현과 알고 있음을 표현하는 말을 꼭 알고 있어야 합니다...
Korean ancestors enjoyed and tasted the beauty of different seasons by using sets of brassware during the cold winter and porcelain ware during the warm spring and summer. Koreans don’...
[Definition] A book by Seo Wonseop in 1979 which contains his research on the folksongs and Korean verses of Ulleungdo Island. [Details] Folksongs and Korean Verses of Ulleungdo is a...
Produced in 1968, the Kong Byung-woo Typewriter is based on the 3-Set Korean keyboard layout that a vowel, consonant and final consonant are arranged in different positions. The 3-Set...
The sangcharim (Korean table setting) refers to the arrangement of main and side dishes on a single table. Depending on the person’s social or economic status, the table (bansang) can...
Understanding the environmental characteristics of Korea is necessary to see its influence on Korean cuisine and culture. Korea is located between the Chinese Mainland and the islands of...
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